When I heard the name of this product first time, I thought the product may be from India. But I was surprised when I found the manufacturer of this item is from the State of Noveda, USA. Now I am going to write about the Aztec Secret Indian healing clay to help you with all information.
It is believed that this healing clay is pure authentic bentonites clay from Death Valley, California where it is sun dried for a period maximum 6 months and highest temperature of 134 degree. In this articale we are going narrate all most everything step by step that will cover the product. Aztec Indian healing clay.
During discussion we will concentrate about product origin, purity, and its benefits along with application procedure especially Aztec clay mask. The word Aztech is a culture of Aztec Indians during 15th and 16th century in central Mexico, a tribal native.
They would love nature and natural product of these bentonite clays those were extensively used in skin issues and other diseases. Since the origin of this product consists of bentonite clay directly from Death valley, California is considered as pure and authentic.
Of course the manufacturer need to have certification of FDA, federal drugs administration, USA. The oldest culture from Aztec Indians now spread all over the world in scientific age – how Amazing.
All of the benefits derived from healing effect of this product are removal of pain, burn, bite, sting, rash, wrinkles, acne, eczema, itching, gangrene, eye catharsis and many more. The most powerful property of this clay is the ionic chelate of chemical compound that drives away the toxin from skin.
Quick overview of the Aztec Secret Healing Clay
In order to achieve these benefits you need to apply Indian healing clay mask in your face as an external application. Polutice is another form of external use while the product in powder, tablet or capsule form is internal application.
Main Features of Aztec Indian Healing Clay Mask:
There are so many features for this aztec bentonite clay but I will just describe the main features related to Aztec Secret Healing clay.
Sun-dried properties
Since this clay has undergone a long process of sun drying naturally there is no chance of bacteria growth and formation of yeast and mould. It is amazing that the drying process lasted for maximum 6 moths with high temperature of 134 degree. The customers are thus protected from harmful micro-organism.
100% natural calcium Bentonite clay
As this Betonies clay was made from volcanic ashes it acts a quality healer that protects you from skin issues and other diseases. When this clay combined with water it achieves the capability to draw and drive out the bacteria and toxin, the poisonous substances from the skin pores.
No Additives, fragrances or Animal Products
This Aztec Indian healing clay is mainly an ethical and beneficial product because it contains all natural ingredients and no additives, fragrance, animal products, alcohol and paraben which may cause skin issues in future.
Versatile and customizable with many other products
The actual effectiveness of this product stems from its versatility and complementary usages with other products. You can use this product in combination with water, apple cider vinegar, aloe vera, tea tree oil and rosewater to accelerate its effectiveness.
Remove Acne, Blemishes, Pimples and Blackheads
The inclusion of 100% natural Bentonite clay as well as many neutrients and minerals like calcium, sodium, magnesium and others has made the product awesome. It can easily reduce or remove acne, blemishes, pimples, and blackheads and Aztec clay mask is very effective in reduction to these issues.
Contains nutrients and minerals
The product contains nutrients and other minerals like calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium and iron. The 100% natural Bentonite clay along with these minerals and nutrients has made it excellent. It can easily reduce or remove the skin issues. The most important feature that it can detoxify or drive out away all the impurities and toxins from skin pore via skin surface
Ingredients to use with Aztec Indian Healing Clay Mask:
In order to produce Indian clay mask, different ingredients need to use with this clay to get better result. Following few things you require.
Common Ingredients for Aztec healing clay mask
- Three tablespoon of Aztec Indian healing clay
- Three tablespoon of water or apple cider vinegar.
- One piece plastic or one glass bowl.
- One wooden or plastic spoon.
These ingredients are for a common mask but when we need for a specific skin problem the ingredients may vary. Let us see a few of them. It is noted that for sensitive skin you need to add water instead of apple cider vinegar while for strong skin you need to use apple cider vinegar.
Indian Clay Mask for Acne:
The ingredients for this skin issue is slightly differ from the common one.
- Three tablespoon of Aztec healing clay.
- Three tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.
- A few drop of tea tree oil.
- One plastic or glass bowl.
- One wooden or plastic mixing spoon
Aztec clay mask for hair:
You need to collect the following ingredients when you are making mask for your hair:
- ½ cup of Aztec bentonite clay.
- One tablespoon of coconut oil.
- One tablespoon of castor oil.
- Six tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.
- Three tablespoons of water.
Results of using Aztec Healing Clay Mask:
Remove Acne Scars & Blackheads Spot by Aztec Bentonite Clay:
In sensitive and acne prone skin it is used to remove the acne and blackhead spots. You have to mix the mask with apple cider vinegar to get the best result. The apple cider vinegar and the clay mask goes in hand in hand.
Both of the products work best for clearing the skin. So, you must be wondering how this mask works for acne spots and for the skin generally. When apple cider vinegar is mixed with the clay mask, it becomes absorptive to skin. The hydration make the clay negatively charged.
This negatively charged clay attracts the positively charged poisons and toxins of outer layer of skin. Then the best clay mask made from Aztec Indian healing clay lifts the acne and absorbs all the toxins and poisons found within the skin. Thus it soothes and calms your skin.
Moisture and Clean the Hair by Aztec Healing Clay:
When the Aztec clay mask is used on hair, it deeply clean the hair and moisturize it by acting as conditioner. It gives you shiny hair by removing the toxins and impurities from the scalp of the hair. It is especially helpful for the curly hair to make the curls silkier than before.
The clay mask makes the hair healthy just in one wash. You just need to follow the instructions before using the mask in your hair. Use on wet detangled hair rather than dry hair. Mix apple cider vinegar with it to get the most out of the mask.
Aztec Secret Indian healing clay Benefits:
Before we go to describe the healing and clay mask benefits of this clay we like to describe characteristics of Indian clays. The healing effect of this natural clay is an outstanding property to eliminate most the skin issues and as a remedy of some other diseases.
So do you know what is healing and how it is beneficial to us? Of course this article will narrate everything step by step. The word healing originates from Anglo-saxon word haelen that means to make something whole.
If you think deeply it is matter of mind, spirit and body all together. You will see that though healing is not the curing, this Aztec healing clay is capable of healing and eliminating many skin issues.
Here are some noticeable benefits:
One of the greatest features of this Indian clay is detoxification. Toxins are nothing but some poisonous substances. Our body continually taking toxic metal particles and other poisonous chemical particles from environment.
In order to drive out these poisonous substances, Aztec secret Indian healing clay is an ideal product for the purpose. You can either use world famous Indian healing clay Walgreens also for detoxification
The story of a Vietnam veteran who was too addicted to both alcohol and doping. As he grew older he faced financial crisis and was unable to incur the addiction expenses. He decided to go for suicide, at the same time one of his friends suggested to take Aztec secret healing clay with water orally.
Finding no alternative he started to drink the clay solution. To his surprise he observed that after a few days the addiction for alcohol and doping has gone away.
- In addition to other abilities this product has been shown as an anesthetic. Many people have reported almost cessation of pain following application of the clay poultice in the area.
- Once it was found that a boy was bee stung. Another boy was gangrene spread up in his right leg. In both the cases poultice of Aztec Indian healing clay poultices were applied. The area of treatment was totally covered by wet towel until the pain dissolved.
Few more benefits are
All most all beauticians agree that there is no facial conditioner equivalent to Indian healing clay. They have reported that its skin tightening effect is too strong to be felt painful. This Aztec clay heavily draws the red blood cell near the skin surface.
The face temporarily looks reddish and we can conclude that the clay is an effective cleanser that removes the deeply embedded grime. Your skin finally is left with fresh, smooth and healthy appearance. This is great for acne removal and we need the perfect clay mask for acne removal.
This is a great medicine for tooth ache victims. The product is completely able to stop severe tooth pain after 2/3 applications locally.
The clay has got the ability to remove toxin and impurities with the help of a paste with water. You need to make a face clay mask that should be applied for 20 minutes on face. Apply twice in a week.
Skin poultice is a great medicine while you apply for cuts, burns, bites and sting. Make a paste with water and clay powder, the in the form of poultice apply locally in the affected area. A after a few applications you will be cured of course.
Detox bath is another treatment for making your body skin soft. While you are taking bath put ¼ cup of clay powder in the bath tub. Mix well in water and complete the bath. After one week you see the result to get your skin more soft.
For both internal and external infection the Aztec Indian clay plays very important role. Make a paste with water apply in the affected area. Repeat the process for 2/3 days, the infection goes. Internal infection will improve when take orally mixed with vitamin c and mineral oil.
Method for Making an Aztec healing clay Mask:
The best way for utilizing Aztec healing clay is to make a mask for the face. To make a mask is not tough but to decide your skin type is more important, normal, dry or oily. You can also add additional essential oils to provide variety of soothing effect.
The facial mask will be more moisturizing and anti-bacterial. This is a simple recipe mask that you can apply any part of the body. First of all try with this mask applying to a selected place for a selected skin issue. Later on you can change as per your desire.
Methods of making Aztec clay mask:
Follow the following simple a few steps to make Aztec clay mask:
- Mix Aztec clay powder with apple cider vinegar in a small glass or plastic bowl.
- Mix well with a wooden or plastic spoon.
- Don’t over mix it.
- This paste is ready to apply now.
If you follow the rules very carefully you can produce high quality clay mask for you.
Methods of making clay mask for acne:
The Aztec clay will be beneficial to the people who have pimples on their faces. It will definitely heal up, decrease production of oil and the face will be glowing. Start making acne mask with the following procedures:
- Take a few drops of tea tree oil in a plastic or glass bowl.
- Add some quantity of Aztec healing clay powder.
- Add equal amount of water.
- Mix well until it shows consistency for smooth effect on face.
- The paste is completely for making mask.
All these are Indian healing clay masks and needs clay.
Methods of making bentonite clay for hair:
Just like other masks you can easily make the hair mask very easily. Follow the steps until the process is finished.
- Put some Aztec clay powder and oils in a plastic or glass bowl.
- Add water and apple cider vinegar.
- Allow some time for its reaction.
- Add water again
- Keep it for some time when it is completely for mask.
By reading this article, you are now able to produce the best clay for hair and you can easily apply the mask on hair and keep it for 20 minutes. Keep in mind that before complete dry you should rinse it.
How to Apply Your Aztec Clay Mask:
You can apply the Aztec clay mask for face in the following procedure which we have described below.
- Apply the face mask with fingers.
- Instead of fingers you can use cotton ball.
- Apply the face mask from top to bottom-line of neckline.
- Wait for 20-30 minutes until it settle down.
- You will feel a tingling sensation.
- The clay mask will begin to dry up.
- After the time is over and before complete dry you need to wash your face with warm water and the dry with a washcloth.
- The application is recommended for once a week.
The proper application of aztec healing clay mask on your face can increase your beauty fast.
Application of Aztec clay mask for acne:
- You have already made Aztec clay mask for acne.
- Now apply the mask to your face with the help of fingers.
- You can use either cotton ball or cosmetic sponge.
- Leave the mask for 20-30 minutes until semi dry.
- Before complete dry wash the mask with warm water.
- Let it dry with a dry clean towel.
Application of Aztec healing clay for hairs:
You can follow the simple procedure step by step for your hair treatment by Aztec indian healing clay:
- The mask have already made with Aztec clay, water and apple cider vinegar.
- You can apply the mask with your hand also.
- Apply from the root to end of your hair.
- Leave the mask for 20-30 minutes.
- It will be easier to rinse your hair in a shower.
- After complete wash use regular conditioner.
- Allow at least 5 minutes for conditioner.
- Then again rinse fully your hair
A Closer Look Into Aztec Secret Indian Clay:
1. Sun-dried properties
Since this clay has undergone a long process of sun drying naturally there is no chance of bacteria growth and formation of yeast and mould. It is amazing that the drying process lasted for maximum 6 moths with high temperature of 134 degree.
The customers are thus protected from harmful micro-organism. Though the customers have been hoped saying it is free from harmful micro-organism. The product being heated for long time with high temperature has given the most effectiveness.
It has been found that the temperature of California state is much more than any other state because it is a desert land and an arid land. This sun dried clay plays very important role to make the Indian healing clay mask.
2. 100% natural calcium Bentonite clay
As this Betonies clay was made from volcanic ashes it acts a quality healer that protects you from skin issues and other diseases. When this clay combined with water it achieves the capability to draw and drive out the bacteria and toxin, the poisonous substances from the skin pores.
The product help to reduce blemishes fight allergic reaction and eliminate redness caused by skin tightening. The irritating lotion and face washes can cause allergic reaction. This can also be used as a soaking liquid which can remove toxin on the skin.
Bentonite clay contains not only calcium but also some nutrients. The increased level of calcium will help to regenerate new skin cells to replace the dead skin cells. The Aztec clay mask has shown the ability of sebum production.
3. No Additives, Fragrances or Animal Products
This Aztec secret Indian healing clay is an ethical and beneficial product because it contains all natural ingredients and no additives, fragrance, animal products, alcohol and paraben which may cause skin issues in future.
If you add these additives like fragrance, animal products, alcohol, paraban and other ingredient it may cause issues and problems not only in skin surface but also within the body. Instead of effecting better result it will effect reverse. It is found that this product contains minerals and other nutrients that will detoxify impurities and toxin, poisonous substance.
4. Versatile and customizable with many other products
The actual effectiveness of this product stems from its versatility and complementary usages with other products. You can use this product in combination with water, apple cider vinegar, aloe vera, tea tree oil and rosewater to accelerate its effectiveness.
It is noted that apple cider vinegar has higher percentage of acidity it cannot harm as the Aztec clay has low level of acidity which can be neutralized.
The fact is that this product in combination with other products works very nicely. According our user experience, we can recommended this clay mask for any type of skin.
5. Remove Acne, Blemishes, Pimples and Blackheads
The inclusion of 100% natural Bentonite clay as well as many nutrients and minerals like calcium, sodium, magnesium and others has made the product awesome. It can easily reduce or remove acne, blemishes, pimples, and blackheads.
The Aztec healing clay mask addresses that can ensure to hold the moisture and be oily free. It may happen unattractive and painful skin complication.
Are There Any Problems With aztec indian healing clay Mask?
In all cases of products there is imperfection and the same case with Aztec Indian healing clay. Most of the users admire this product but there are a few does not agree with these. Some user feeling unsatisfied to the use apple cider vinegar for concentration. They like equal portion water and vinegar. Some are worried about redness though it goes within an hour.
The tingling and pulsating sensation is not like by somebody. While preparing clay mask the use of glass bowl and wooden spoon is some restriction not liked by all.
- Detoxification can be done for many skin problems.
- Versatility has been found in case of oral, facial and hair masks. For skin care and dietary supplement.
- It is applicable for any type of skin.
- This can use with other skin care products as supplement.
- It is relatively mess free.
- It is affordable and inexpensive.
- May result various range of redness.
- Need addition products for effectiveness.
- May show tingling sensation.
Questions and Answers on aztec healing clay mask
Q. What does Indian Healing Clay do for your skin?
Ans: It has already been told that this clay helps to remove toxins from your skin pores and reduces inflammation and heals your skin. Bentonite clay reduces acne on the face and scar marks.
Q. How long do you leave Aztec clay mask on for?
Ans: If you have normal skin you keep the mask for 15-20 minutes and if you have delicate skin keep the mask for 5-10 minutes. Still you get redness that will disappear slowly.
Q. How often should I use the mask?
Ans: It depends or varies man to man. It is recommended 3 times a week. You can use more times but must be careful when redness and pulsating sensation is more.
Q.Can you go to sleep with a face mask?
Ans: You can go to sleep with a face mask using a sleep mask on your eyes. If you face trouble trouble to sleep in light you can use sleep mask. It is to noted that when you go for a sleep with a mask may lead to acne and other skin problem.
Q. What is the consistency of the clay?
Ans: The Aztec Indian clay comes in the powder form and when it is mixed with water or any other liquid it will be looking as paste. After application of the paste on skin it will become hard and this hardness is the consistency.
Q. Is it better to put on a face mask before or after a shower?
Ans: Many people choose to take a shower before taking mask which is not at all wise. This may lead to dry your skin whatever may be the type of skin. Dr. Woolery says that 2 showers after and before taking mask makes your skin too dry.
Q. What happens if I eat or drink it?
Ans: If you eat or drink bentonite clay it will not be detrimental to your body rather it will help you in removing certain skin and body issues in case of real product.. The only problem is to find out 100% pure bentonite clay. When any Aztec Indian healing clay is certified by FDA, USA that is 100% pure.
Q. What does bentonite clay do for your hair?
Ans: Having bentonite clay net negative charges, it works like a magnet and has the capability to attract metal and toxin particles. Since your hair contains sufficient metal and toxin particles of positive charges, they are attracted and deposited in the hair mask. When the hair mask is washed off all the impurities, metal particles and toxin are removed.
Where to Buy Aztec Indian Healing Clay?
So far we have narrated all most everything in this article regarding the ingredient Aztec Secret healing clay along with its mask. All of us must agree that there are lots of products as well as marketplaces and it is tough to find out the correct product from a genuine marketplace.
While you need to select the best clay from market you should consider safety, security, credibility, warranty, delivery time and overall customer service from the online retailer.
From experience it is found that there are many online scam retailers those who intend to hoax and play tricks with customers. When you desire to buy such products you can try with world renowned market places such as Amazon.com, Alibaba.com or ebay.com. Those who will provide you safety, security and reliability.
From survey and our practical experience we recommend to purchase from Amazon.com as the world’s best online retailer in recent days. Finally if you decide to buy Aztec Indian clay mask, Amazon.com may the best option for you.
Final Words about Aztec Clay Mask
If you spare your valuable time to go through every section of this article step by step, we hope you understand everything. This Aztec Indian healing clay product is not only affordable but also much effective in diminishing and eliminating acne, blemishes, whiteheads and blackheads along with some other skin issues.
Since the product has got many features such as its versatility, 100% Bentonite clay properties and the main ingredient being completely natural, you cannot but agree with its high quality. This is a product that is not only applied to oral mask but also applied in facial mask, applicable to the areas neck or hair and dietary supplement even.
The ingredients are sun-dried with high temperature of 134 degree to kill the harmful bacteria and the product is highly customizeable with water, apple cider vinegar, aloe vera or tea tree oil.
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